Integrated School of Science


Almarez. Zariah Leigh K.
Best in Arts

Baleda, Jamilla Jairah B.
Best in Arts

Casulla, Jian Noah A.
3R's Awardee in Arithmetic

Garcia, Ruff Hazel D.
Subject Proficiency in Mathematics and Best in Extra Curricular Activities

Landoy, Prince Brian M.
Best in Sensorial Exercises

Rivera, Elijah Niklaus B.
3R's Awardee in Arithmetic

Tan, Jannie Esterine C.
3R's Awardee in Writing and Best in Extra Curricular Activities

Andaluz, Mariella Louise M.
Subject Proficiency Award in English and iS Model Child for Character and Conduct

Biogos, Jnykka Kjerstin E.
3R's Awardee in Arithmetic

Cerezo, Denise Gabrielle L.
Best in Arts

Gonzales, Geoffe Keziah C.

Ocampo, Samantha Ysabelle P.
3R's Awardee in Writing

San Jose, Francine Elizabeth P.
iSMCD Excellence Award

Andaya, Mikaela Angel D.
3R's Awardee in Writing

Cada, Xoneya Onel P.
Best in Sensorial Exercises

Dacones, Roan Florelice D.
3R's Awardee in Reading

Hontucan, Phoenix Caleb V.
3R's Awardee in Arithmetic

Odal, Marion Greadon
Best in Sensorial Exercises

Solatorio, Ma. Sofia Franchesca R.
Best in Sensorial Exercises

Ante, Cheryl Florence Zia R.
Best in Extra Curricular Activities

Caruluan, Victor Greg J.
3R's Awardee in Reading

Ferrer, Jayce Adriel M.
Subject Proficiency in Science

Ignacio, Psalm Timothy A.
3R's Awardee in Reading

Reyes, John Zachary A.
3R's Awardee in Reading

Soriano, Pia Jeanna B.
3R's Awardee in Reading

Bagnas, Kevin Robert C.
iS Model Child For Character and Conduct

Enera, Zyril Sebastian A.
With High Honors

Ocsan, Warren V.
Loyalty Award

Bautista, Alyna Cassandra Margareth D.
With Honors

Ferrer, Reuel Rosh M.
With Honors

Parot, Jhayden Tiffany L.

Bautista, Zach Aaron L.
With High Honors; Best in Arts; Best in Extra Curricular Activities; Best in Oral Presentation

Mascardo, Kurt Mickey R.
With High Honors; Subject Proficiency Award in Science; Mathematics; Loyalty Award

Ramirez, Carlos Miguel T.
With Honors

Cahatian , Princess Jenniefren A.

Mateo, Markus Sean B.
With High Honors

Santos, Casandra Chloe A.

Alecha, Bea S.
Loyalty Awards

Dumago , Abbygale G.
With High Honors; iS Model for Service

Liston, Zophia Lee D.

Pito, Karvin Rafael S.
With High Honor, English Proficiency Award, Best in Oral Presentation

Arvesu, Trizzha Vennice C.
With High Honors

Esperanza, Ace Aaron B.
With High Honors, iS Model for Integrity

Lumucso, Khalel Abriel Yuan M.
With High Honors

Sanding, Xharise A.
With High Honors, Mathematics Proficiency Awards, IS Model for Leadership, Loyalty award

Carungcong, Eizen Raven F.
With High Honors, iS Model for Character and Conduct

Isnain, Micaela E.
Loyalty Awards

Manpatilan, Cristofer Sebastian

Diaceno , John Michael C.

Jacob, Bethseva P.
With High Honors, Science Proficiency Award, IS Model For Self-Reliance, Most Active in Extra Curricular, Loyalty Awards

Nayat , Nathalie F.
With Honors