Integrated School of Science

Ms. Xessilaylah C. Lee
Head - Information and Communications Technology
Ms. Lee, a Microsoft Certified Professional who brings to her position a well-established background in Information Technology and professional services for over 9 years. She worked her way up the ladder making her IT experience a compact one. Prior joining iS in 2020, she once led a multi-million warehouse and data infrastructure project for an electrical appliances in the Philippines and also managed to set-up from scratch the call center for the latter where she worked as an IT Officer, then later promoted to a managerial position. Her experience in Information Technology involves implementation, configuration, system analysis, design, coordination, control, maintenance, troubleshooting, security, monitoring and development of IT Infrastructure.
As an ICT head, her goal is to drive portfolio change aligned to changing customer needs by doing continuous improvement in the field of Information and Communications Technology.
Recently this year 2021, not only she leads ICT but she also supervise the Procurement and Property Management as an OIC.
Ms. Lee holds a degree in Computer Science from Asian Institute of Maritime Studies year 2012.